Utility functions

Beside SDK, @heseya/store-core package includes a set of utility functions to help you create a store using Heseya API. They can simply be imported from the @heseya/store-core package.

Format Api errors

Returns an error message from any given error with more detailed information when AxiosError is passed into it

formatApiError(error: any):
  { title: string, key?: HeseyaErrorCode, text: string }


Returns the function, tha checks if given permissions match the permission passed into the function

hasAccess(required: Permission | Permission[], anyOfRequired = false):
  (userPermissions: Permission[]) => boolean

Restore cart

Recreates CartItem classes from its simplified objects created by the CartItem.toJSON method

restoreCart(savedCart: SavedCartItem[]): CartItem[]


Creates head metatags from the given Heseya SEO object

createSeoMetatags(...seoMetadatas: SeoMetadata[])


Changes raw Schema objects into the CartItemSchema objects, which holds the values of the schema. It uses schema default values.

parseSchemasToValues(schemas: Schema[]): CartItemSchema[]

Calculates the price of the given CartItemSchema objects

calcSchemasPrice(schemas: CartItemSchema[]): number